How To Meditate At Home
Meditation can be done anywhere, by anyone. Here, we share our advice for how to set up your meditation space at home to help you get the most from your practice.
You may find these suggestions particularly supportive during the beginning stages of your practice as you learn to settle and still the mind. Understanding how to meditate at home can also be beneficial if you are thinking of taking an online meditation course or want to try a taster meditation in a recommended environment.
As your practice matures, you will find these suggestions help encourage deeper concentration and a calmer mind.
How To Set Up Your Meditation Space At Home
No matter how big or small your home is, you can still create an area for meditation. In three simple steps, you can set up a meditation space at home.
1. Dedicate A Quiet Space In Your Home
Try to create a space somewhere in your home solely for your meditation practice. Know that when you go to this place it’s time to meditate. You can place your cushion and leave it there ready for your meditation time. Even if you only have a corner of a living room, you can still create a dedicated area for meditation.
If you can, close any doors that lead into busy areas or your home or office. The quieter and more peaceful your space, the easier you will find it to settle into your meditation. Natural sounds, such as birds or rivers, may be less of a disturbance, depending on how experienced you are with meditation.
2. Unplug To Get Connected In A Tech-Free Zone
Disconnection from interference is essential for meditation at home. If you can, pick a spot that is not too close to electrical appliances such as TVs, microwaves, printers, WiFi routers and fridges/freezers. These kinds of appliances can prevent us from really settling deeply into our meditation. Older chunky style radiators can also have this effect, as the noise can be disruptive.
Create the opportunity to be undisturbed while you meditate at home. Where possible, switch off your WiFi and switch your phone to ‘airplane mode’ whilst meditating. Also remove any smart watches and other wearable technology. This technology can have an impact on your environment and as such will have an impact upon you, which you may or may not be aware of.
3. Ensure You Can Sit Comfortably, However That Is For You
The recommended position for meditation is to sit cross-legged without back support. This won't be possible for everyone and can be more difficult for newer practitioners. If you can sit cross legged, consider using a sturdy cushion to help you rest comfortably. If you are unable to sit cross legged, use a chair you find comfortable to sit up straight in.
Ultimately, if you are uncomfortable, it will hinder your practice. As you develop you may be able to change how you sit when you meditate. When you are setting up your meditation space at home for the first time, allow yourself to try a few options to find what works best for you.
How To Meditate At Home
Disconnect from electronic devices and switch off any phones, WiFi, etc.
Sit in your home meditation space.
Turn on your guided meditation or let your thoughts go to your chosen meditation practice.
Close your eyes.
Feel your breath, in and out.
Follow your meditation practice.
Return to your body at the end of your practice.
Slowly return to your day.

You may find these suggestions particularly supportive during the beginning stages of your practice as you learn to settle and still the mind. As your practice matures, you will find they help encourage deeper concentration and a calmer mind.
Tips For Meditation At Home
When should I meditate? Should I meditate in the morning or evening?
Try to find a regular time to meditate, and fit it into your daily schedule depending upon your nature and your commitments.
The morning is a good time to work with the deeper unconscious content of the mind that surfaces in the night during sleep. As you awaken, your mind is also clear from its normal daily concerns. The challenge is that you may still be sleepy, but stick at it and you will start your day with a clear and bright mind.
At the end of the day, once you have relaxed and gathered yourself from the day’s demands, evening meditation gives you the chance to unwind. It enables you to process and release the stress, agitation and disorganized energy you may have accumulated during the day. The challenge will be to let go of the things running around in your mind and actually get concentrated. The reward is going to bed relaxed with a clear mind.
How should I prepare for my meditation?
If you are meditating first thing, it is often very useful to sit straight up in bed a few minutes after waking and go directly into your meditation. If you are too sleepy to start like this, get up, splash some water on your face and brush your teeth. The aim is to try to do your meditation before actively starting your day. On weekends, you may like to take more time over it.
If you have had a busy day and wish to meditate in the evening, relax and unwind for a while, or take some gentle exercise like a walk or some easy stretching. If you feel drowsy, take a shower first, then meditate. You can also prepare yourself for bed so that you can go straight to sleep after your meditation.
What position should I meditate in?
If you can, you should aim to sit cross-legged with no back support. It may take some weeks or even months before this becomes comfortable but if you can start like this, this is how you should continue.
It is better to use a back rest or support than sit in a chair, unless you are suffering from physical injury to the legs, feet or hips, in which case a chair is preferable.
You should not expect to make much progress with real meditation by lying down. The energy of the spine that supports our mental energy is at its weakest in a prone position and so we are more likely to drop into a trance than establish real mental energy and clarity.
However, when you are exhausted from time to time it is OK to do your meditation lying down. But don't make a habit of it or your body’s energy will not open up.